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Lucie Meredith-Jones


Address: 1856 guthrie Rd

City: Comox

State: British Columbia

Country: Canada

Phone: 250-890-0067
Cell: 250-792-1116


No cashier job. Don't like, anything that else is available would be fine, don't have much experience, i've had jobs as a cleaning person. stocking shelves anything along those lines i can do. Been a house wife for 10 almost 11 yrs. I'm available at night times, when my twins will start school then my work scheldule can change.


Work Experience

nanny, housekeeper

Took care of house and animals, cooked for them, did gardening.

Last Employer: Joe Gardner

Contact Person: 250-350-3344


Establishment: Douglas Lake Ranch

Degree: High school grad


i like working, helping others out.

Computer Skills: some computer skills

Foreign Language Skills: English my second language