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Apryl Keith

Appleway Blvd. , West Kelowna, B.C, Canada

(H) (250) 768-5653, (C) (250) 801-0999,


To learn more about horses, be able to work with them in a friendly environment, and take responsibility for the daily care of these animals. Have the opportunity to improve my skills with animals so that I may one day carry out a career involving horses/other animals.

Work Experience

General labour/construction (06/30/2006 – 05/21/2010)

Last Employer: Doug Keith

Contact Person: (250) 808-8121

Responsibilities: -Digging -Back-filling -Roofing -Helper in concrete pour -Landscaping -Skid-steer operator -Packer operator -Ensuring the lock up of the job site

Accomplishments: Learning how to roof, pour concrete, and landscape were my largest accomplishments during this position.


Establishment: Mount Boucherie Secondary School

Degree: Currently completeing my grade 12 year


I have some experience with horses, and would love to have a chance to learn more. I have groomed, watered, and rode. I am experienced in the care of many different kinds of animals such as dogs, geese, ducks, other birds, and rabbits.


My hobbies include spending time outdoors with family and friends. Sea-dooing, quadding, boating, nature walking, swimming, snow-mobileing, and snow-boarding are some of the activities that I enjoy doing. I have also done volunteering as a youth worker for a Friendship center in Dawson Creek B.C. My daily tasks included teaching children about good foods, behavior, and ensuring that their hygiene is maintained. Washing clothes, hair, and teeth was one of their daily chores when they came to the center.  Doing activities with them (crafts, outdoor activities etc), and supervising on day trips/field trips.