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Austin Bell

3122 Dunning road, L'Orginal, Ontairo,

(H) 6136750105, (C) 6135519511,


I am ready to work long hours of physical labour .i am a good listener . and enjoy working with others.

Work Experience

Giant tiger (09/06/2010 – 11/28/2011)

Last Employer: Jean claude

Responsibilities: Cashier Clean up and Shelf Stocker

Baby Sitting

Last Employer: Daren Livock

Responsibilities: Take care of three kids . feed clean keep ocupied


I can drive any vehical (do not have a valid drivers license. work indipendintly,cut grass weed eating,ect

Computer Skills: Basic

Foreign Language Skills: French and english


i love the out doors Such as, camping , fourwheeling dirtdiking, cutting wood cutting grass listening to music . i enjoy sports such as, football,basketball,hockey, baseball, lacross,and soccer. i am a good listener ,like working with other members or independintly (eather or). i am a responsibale worker and take in critisisem . i am also a verry quiet person.