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Blake Blaker

67 bala ave. bsmt apt., toronto, ontario, Canada

(C) (647) 984 - 6653,


to obtain a part time possition were i can utilize my skills and be a helpfull contribution to your organization.

Work Experience

grill (01/17/2010 – 09/09/2010)

worked part time at mcdonalds for eight months.

Last Employer: mcdonalds, 2218 bloor st. west

Contact Person: chris - 416 762 9949

Responsibilities: working the grill. workin cash. cleaning the lobby and wahrooms. takeing out garbage. unloading the delivery truck.


Establishment: Central Etobicoke High School

Degree: currently in grade 12


works well with others. can work very good independent. works well with hands. fast learner. works well in a fast pace environment. reliable.


skateboarding, playing hockey, watching hockey, listening to hip-hop/rap/rock music