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Braedan Muzechka


Address: 24 Morgan Crescent

City: St. Albert

State: Alberta

Country: Canada

Phone: 7806518463
Cell: 7802214130


I wish to have a job which I can look forward to every morning. I also want to be able to help companies progress towards a greater goal.


Work Experience

Sales Manager

-9 years of school (w/ honors) -delivered flyers

Last Employer: n/a

Contact Person: n/a

Responsibilities: -Getting work done -Showing up on time -Doing things to the best of my ability

Accomplishments: -Honors with proficiency in grade 7 and 8 (90% or above in the core subjects) -Learned better people skills


Establishment: VJM Junior High, St. Albert, Alberta

Average Grade: 90% and above


-Street smarts -Charisma -Social

Computer Skills: -Ability to build a basic website

Foreign Language Skills: -French Advanced in grade 9 with a mark over 95%


Ball hockey, football, golf. I like turtles.