Jason Merkley
Address: 596 Fern rd.
City: Waterloo
State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Seeking position requiring excellent installation skills, I am a skilled certified car audio installer with a great enjoyment for the home audio side of the audio department I have several hours involved in home audio and have devloped a passion to explore it farther and if given a oppertunity i would excelle in this department.
Work Experience
Custom car audio remote starters alarms home audio pre wiring custom home
Last Employer: Audiosource
Contact Person: Dan
Responsibilities: Manager shipping reciving in charge of schedual
Accomplishments: Very skilled in car audio department Have built award winning custom cars
Establishment: Elmira District Secondary School
Degree: Diploma
Education Period: 09/16/1998 - 06/11/2002
Average Grade: B student
Very quick learner Fast worker
Computer Skills: Moderate computer skills