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Jillian Dean

1002 W. Avenue B #2, Copperas Cove, Texas, 76522, United States

(C) 817-929-1766,


My objective is to gain more experience in healthcare, laboratory work, accounting, and money management.  Knowledge in these areas will propell my future career in medicine by leading to better decision making skills necessary to have a successful business.  My hope is the experiences learned from employment will assist my advancement in future studies and career opportunities.

Work Experience

Cashier/Secretary Assistant (01/08/2007 – 12/15/2008)

Money handling, customer service, creating invoices, making bank deposits, writing checks, filing paperwork

Last Employer: Boyd Feed Store

Contact Person: Wendy Kerr

Responsibilities: I worked as a cashier at the front of a small business store while also assisting the secretary with duties such as reconciling account, making bank deposits, writing checks, and preparing customer invoices.

Supplemental Instruction Leader (06/09/2008 – 12/10/2010)

Teaching, lesson planning, paperwork

Last Employer: Tarleton State University

Contact Person: Kayla Wood

Responsibilities: Prepared lesson plans for Supplemental Instruction sessions in general chemistry, organic chemistry, and general biology. I was a teaching assistant for various professors and held my own sessions for each subject three days a week.

Accomplishments: Named Best Overall SI Leader in 2010, Highest Attendance Award in 2009 and 2010. I was also promoted to a mentor position in May of 2009.

Lab Assistant (08/24/2009 – 12/10/2010)

Grading, teaching, and preparing chemicals.

Last Employer: Tarleton State University

Contact Person: Kate Cabello

Responsibilities: I prepared chemicals for use in general chemistry laboratory experiments. Graded papers from students and assisted students with various chemical experiments.

Research Assistant (06/01/2010 – 12/01/2010)

Perform surgeries, collect and interpret data, care for animals, prepare chemicals

Last Employer: Tarleton State University

Contact Person: Max Sanderford

Responsibilities: I prepared animals for physiology experiments, ran experiments, performed surgery, took blood pressure measurements, and interpreted data.


Establishment: Tarleton State University

Degree: B.S. in Biomedical Science

Education Period: 08/27/2007 - 12/18/2010

Speciality: Honors

Average Grade: 3.81

Establishment: Boyd High School

Degree: High School Diploma

Education Period: 08/18/2003 - 05/26/2007

Speciality: Honors

Average Grade: 4.0

Details: High School Valedictorian


Customer service, computer skills, accounting skills, money handling, teaching, filing papers

Computer Skills: Typing, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excell, and Internet experience

Foreign Language Skills: Can understand small amounts of Spanish.

Additional Information

Honors: Presidential Honors Program - Tarleton State University 2007-2010 Best Overall SI Leader - Tarleton State University 2010 Highest SI Attendance - 2009 - 2010 Freshman chemistry award - Tarleton State University 2008 Distinguished Student - Tarleton State University 2007 - 2010 Beta Beta Beta - 2008 - 2010 High School Valedictorian - 2007 National Honor Society - 2006 - 2007

Research Projects: Effects of Chronic Exercise Programs on blood pressure due to Autonomic Dysreflexia elicited by colon distension in T5 transected male rats. - Tarleton State University 2010

Certifications or Licensures: Center for Reading and Language Arts (CRLA) Master Tutor Certified


I enjoy all sports and outdoor activities such as kayaking, hiking, jogging, softball, and basketball.  I also enjoy reading, puzzles, listening to music, and community involvement.