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Justin Duncan


Address: 2147 E Main Street Apt. 6

City: Douglassville

State: PA

Zip: 19518

Country: United States

Phone: N/A
Cell: 484-542-0679
Fax: N/A
My status


My main goal is to put myself into a position where I can excel and move up through the chain of command. I am a very determined and diligent worker. I am determined to succeed and will strive towards having a good career with  job security until my goal is reached.


Work Experience

Pizza/Grill/Delivery (06/07/2007 – Present)

I learned customer service skills, how to work in a face paced environment, and also how to move swiftly between making pizza and things that need to be made on the grill.

Last Employer: Alley Gators II

Contact Person: Ken Zimmerman 610-761-9261

Responsibilities: Making Pizza, Making any food necessary on hot or cold side. Delivering food to customers. Also I answered phones and took care of the cash register.

Accomplishments: I received a few raises and have made myself an important part of the work team. I work six days a week, and everyone there knows if I am asked to work it wont be a problem.

Maintenance (06/07/2006 – 12/16/2007)

I cleaned the workout machines, and also applied any maintenance that was needed to keep them working smoothly. I cleaned the rooms of the gym and kept a clean workout environment.

Last Employer: Final Results Fitness

Contact Person: John Wood

Responsibilities: Cleaning machines/workout rooms. Maintenance of machines.

Accomplishments: I worked well with everyone there I cleaned everything I was supposed as well as I could each day.

Dish Washer/Short Order Cook (12/12/2005 – 12/19/2006)

Washed dishes and made smaller orders of food. Prepared plates and food.

Last Employer: Spunktown Tavern

Contact Person: Steve Oswald 610-473-9021

Responsibilities: Washed dishes, prepared smaller orders and dishes.


Establishment: Devry University

Degree: In Progress-BA in Computer Science

Education Period: 01/04/2010 - 11/01/2010

Details: I am still enrolled at Devry, and I am planning on completing my degree in Computer Science.

Establishment: Boyertown Area Senior High

Degree: Diploma

Education Period: 08/29/2005 - 06/11/2009

Average Grade: 3.2-3.5 GPA

Details: I was a good student with A's and B's all throughout my high school career. Immediately after high school I began to higher education.


I am a diligent worker. Everything I do, I do it to my fullest capability. I am not satisfied until I know I have done everything in my power to complete the task at hand. I am good with people, and in a close fast paced work environment. I am open to learn and to take in criticism.

Computer Skills: I am very good on computers. I am currently in the process of receiving my degree in computer science. I can use all computer programs. I can also program and trouble shoot to a certain extent and I am still learning.

Foreign Language Skills: I took three years of Spanish. I can understand many words and phrases but sometimes have trouble putting words into sentences.


I am athletically inclined. I played football and wrestled in high school. I remain physically active and work out regularly. I enjoy swimming everyday in the summer and riding my ATV when I can. I enjoy being active and these thing are relaxing to me. I also am very interested in cars. It has always been a side hobby of mine.