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Kacey Marcil

157 Willow Ave Apt 5, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario , Canada

(H) (705) 575-4473, (C) (705) 255-3595,


Customer service management where my experience can be utilized to improve customer satisfaction.

Work Experience

Dietary (09/21/2008 – 04/14/2010)

Last Employer: Kevin Racine

Contact Person: Kevin Racine / 253 1667

Responsibilities: Helping prepare meals for 80+ people, clearing and cleaning tables after meals were finished. Washing dishes, and helping where else needed.


Degree: High School Diploma

Speciality: English Honors

Average Grade: 94


Hard worker, reliable, trustworthy, reposnsible. Can easily adapt to changing situations.

Computer Skills: Excellent computer skills, can type up to 184 words per minutes. Can easily understand how to use different programs in computers. Familiar with most computer types and programs.