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Kelly Hanks


Address: 5608 Lakeview Dr. SW

City: Calgary

State: AB

Country: Canada

Phone: 403-243-8348
Cell: 403-681-8348
Fax: 403-338-1489


To find a job that not only utilizes my managerial skills, but one that also lets me put my communication and organizational skills to good use .  I am a very positive, enthusiastic and out-going person who works well with others and has no problem giving direction as well as following directions.


Work Experience

Owner/manager (12/10/2001 – Present)

Running a fitness club for 8 years and in that time helping many women reach their fitness goals and watching them grow as a result of their new found confidence.

Last Employer: Curves For Women

Contact Person: Kelly Hanks 403-338-1488

Responsibilities: -Selling memberships -First Workouts -Weighing and Measuring members -Data Entry -Customer Service -Ordering Supplies -Advertising -Hiring and Firing of Employees

Accomplishments: An avid runner who has run seven marathons and a handful of half marathons. I continue to run, cycle and keep active on a daily basis.


Establishment: Central Michigan University

Education Period: 09/07/1981 - 02/28/1982

Average Grade: 3

Details: Took general studies for a year and a half .