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Leanne Huble


Address: bolivar

City: peterborough

State: Ontario

Country: Canada

Phone: 705-760-9395
Cell: 705-632-5822


My main objective is to obtain a part time job at a local work place. To save money for college, and have a better chance at getting jobs in the future.


Work Experience

anything that is available (06/30/2007 – 08/31/2010)

Bourdeau Roofing

Last Employer: Dave Bourdeau

Contact Person: 705-261-2111

Responsibilities: - Inventory - Receptionist - Schedualing

Accomplishments: I was able to further my knowlege and skills with people and around the work place. I am a hard worker and have know problem being under pressure.


Establishment: Campbellford district high school

Average Grade: 12

Details: I graduate high school this year and am hoping to attend college.


- hard worker - works well under pressure - works well with kids - great people skills (communication) - persistant - well mannered

Additional Information

I do alot of vollinteer work, such as campbellfords giant tiger grand opening, booths at fairs, preforming at fairs, cubs leader for the youth, ect


More than anything I am interrested in my Education and my career. I would like to be well educated to support myself and not depend on anyone.