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Mirrandy Craig


Address: 3625 Center A St. N.E.

City: Calgary

State: Alberta

Country: Canada

Phone: 403-456-4582
Cell: 403-400-6942


A self motivated, professional, punctual and courteous individual seeking the opportunity to meet and greet with an upbeat professional attitude to make each experience a delightfully remembered and enjoyable one.

I wish to obtain a position that will enable me to use my strong organizational skills, educational background, and ability to work well with people. 

I am seeking an opportunity to add value by contributing my experience and knowledge while seeking avenues to grow professionally.


Work Experience

Medical Clerk (11/02/2009 – 06/04/2010)

7 months

Last Employer: McGill University Health Care - Royal Victoria Hospital

Contact Person:

Responsibilities: Booked pre-operative appointments for patients who are scheduled for an upcoming surgery. I was responsible for bookings of 7 different departments of which had multiple branches/offices. I also prepared the testing files that needed to include the tests that were specific to the patients needs (as requested by their MD). This job was extremely detailed oriented and there was a very strict time frame that needed to be respected when processing and booking each pre-operative testing requests that were received. There was also strict guidelines that needed to be respected when processing each request, for example; urgent cases such as a cancer patient would be processed immediately and a patient who was having plastic surgery would be processed as soon as possible. There was a lot of judgment that was needed in the every day tasks, reassessing and reorganizing priorities of the day would have to be done several times through out the day. This was an extremely challenging job and I enjoyed it very much.

Accomplishments: I would say that my biggest accomplishment with this job was overcoming the difficult task of processing a large amount of appointment requests within a strict and limited time frame with extremely stringent methods of how to process each request.

Medical Secretary  (03/05/2007 – 11/27/2009)

2 years, 7 months.

Last Employer: Mcgill University Health Care - Allan Memorial Psychiatry Institute

Contact Person:

Responsibilities: Responsibilities included booking and re-scheduling appointments for the clinic I was assigned to. Preparing in advance for all staff members of the clinic their list of appointments for the day, ordering charts and any other information that was needed (such as test results etc.). The staff included nurses, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Residents and Occupational Therapists. I was also responsible for directing 2-3 medical students that were assigned to my clinic for a rotation period of one month, every month we would receive 2-3 new students. It was my responsibility to inform them of what was expected of them during their rotation with us and I was responsible for writing up their medical reports that they would compose once a week as they observed an interview assessment of a new patient. I was responsible for the dictations of the Psychiatrists of the clinic as well as any letters or memo's that were needed by the staff. Once a week I took minutes of the staff meeting and prepared the agenda of the following meeting. I was expected to write up the minutes and distribute them to all staff members with the agenda of the next meeting with in two days of the meeting. Part of my daily tasks were faxing, filing, reception of patients, responding to phone calls and taking messages for all staff, following up on requests from the staff and all general clerical tasks. Often I would administer surveys or questionnaires to patients. Occasionally I would need to organize lunches, or special events for staff members.

Accomplishments: I had worked in a very challenging environment as our patients were psychiatric patients. I began to work with a clinic that was new and had not yet developed and so it was my responsibility to organize and give structure to the Anxiety program that had functioned with out the benefit of a clinical environment. This was extremely difficult for me as I had only been working as a Medical secretary for approximately one year and so my experience was limited. I feel that I was a crucial part in its early development and success. I loved having the opportunity to be part of the 'birth' of this new program and truly enjoyed having the chance of being apart of such a vital service.

Transport attendant

1 year

Last Employer: McGill University Health Care- Royal Victoria Hospital

Contact Person:

Responsibilities: Transport patients internally in the hospital. Transport internally bloods, specimens, etc from one department to another. Pick up and deliver internally medicine, mail, charts etc from one department to another. Transport deceased patients to the morgue. Dispatch calls to other transport attendants when I was dispatching incoming calls to our department.

Accomplishments: Working a physically demanding job. learning and advancing quickly with in the department.


I have several nieces and nephews. I had moved in with, and was taking care of my sisters new born on a full time bases for the firs t 2 months he was born as she was extremely ill (bedridden); this was in 1991. I worked briefly with a family in 1998 who had a 1 1/2 year old. I most recently worked for a young couple, Markins and Anna in the last two years on and off (according to their needs) in 2008-2010.

Last Employer: Anna Civitillo

Contact Person: 450-508-1153

Responsibilities: Light cooking, light cleaning, food preparation, feeding, bathing, dressing/changing, taking to appointments, exercising, stimulating/playing, and any other duties that were required in the day to day care of the children. I occasionally ran errands (voluntarily as it was not part of my job description). I often accompanied Mrs. Civitillo on appointments/errands when she needed to bring her children; this was also often voluntary as it usually took place outside of my work hours.

Accomplishments: Juggling the needs of an infant and a new born was my greatest accomplishment with this job, the needs of an infant are often different yet equally important as a new born. I also succedded in respecting and maintaining the different eating and sleeping schedules of the children. I have yet to do a job as important and fufilling as this and I ended each and every day with a sence of great accomplishment. I absolutly love to work with children and I felt as though I was apart of this family as I had the pleasure to wittness and be apart of the birth and growth of this wounderful young couples family. There truly is no greater accomplishment than to be apart of a childs growth.


Establishment: WBI- Centre Care Quebec Inc.

Degree: PAB 300hrs. & PDSB 40hrs/Advanced nursing Assistant

Education Period: 08/01/2002 - 04/01/2002

Speciality: Advanced Nursing Assistant Certificate

Average Grade: 98%

Details: Learned all aspects of assisting and caring for patients, the elderly or disabled persons. Learned how to move, transfer, bath persons who were not able to do so on their own. Learned CPR and basic first aid. Completed the course with a 98% average . Completed a two week 'stage' where we were graded on our on-the-job training that was assigned to us. I did my training working in a home care facility for the elderly.

Establishment: Dawson College

Education Period: 08/02/1993 - 02/01/1995

Speciality: Social Sciences

Details: Attended college for 1 1/2 years. I was unable to complete my college education due to financial reasons.

Establishment: Rosemere High School

Degree: GAD diploma

Average Grade: 70-75%

Details: I moved to Quebec from Alberta when I was 13 years old. I did not speak any french and it was my choice to go to a school were I would be expected to learn a new language. Although I struggled at the beginning of my years with this school, thanks to a wonderful program they offer to non-french speaking students, I was able to learn french and graduate.


Excellent communication and multi-tasking skills developed from previous experiences. Excellent leadership skills, with the ability to take necessary actions in tasks when required. Admirable work ethic. Team player, reliable, flexible and hard working. Motivated self-starter with a strong desire to learn. Professional appearance, attitude and demeanor. Basic knowledge of PC and computer software. Drivers licence (can also drive manual). First Aid and CPR training

Computer Skills: Basic PC software Internet browsing software Hospital related computer software (OASIC, etc.) Restaurant computer software

Foreign Language Skills: French -Reading -Speaking -Some written


I love dancing (salsa), animals, music, cooking and playing sports (not necessarily in that order).  I have had the opportunity to learn how to fly a helicopter, how to drive a greyhound bus, how to drive a motorcycle, skidoo and seadoo.  My biggest hobby is restoring furniture, home decorating and makeovers for friends and family.  I worked for a friend in her nail salon doing manicures and applying artificial nails, this was something I always wanted to learn how to do, it's one of the many things that I have accomplished and learned without 'traditional' schooling or teaching methods.  I love to work with children and have done voluntary work with a place called Kidzone, this is a huge indoor park that hosts birthday parties and other fun kid stuff.  The owner who is a friend allowed underprivileged families to reserve a room for their children (once a month) to have their birthday party.  All staff that hosted these families were voluntary.