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Nick Ruggeri

617 N 12th street, Manhattan, Kansas, 66502, United States

(H) 4848839084, (C) 4848839084,


By providing my employer  knowledge and experience of Architecture and Planning Professions, a strong passion for improvement though intelligent design, and negotiation skills both among professionals as well as public citizens. These ideals provide an opportunity to do work which will improve the wellbeing of the community we all live in.

Work Experience

Intern (06/01/2008 – 05/01/2010)

Architectural Intern for 2 + years

Last Employer: Anthony Webb

Contact Person: 6103630445

Responsibilities: Drafting, client interaction, site visits, site measurements, basic design, land surveys

Accomplishments: Aided in the design of several single family residential housing units, several urban retail units, as well as many additions and landscaping features of already existing structures.

Construction Worker (06/01/2010 – 08/20/2010)

Summer job

Last Employer: Benoit and Czarnecki LLC

Contact Person: 6103048922

Responsibilities: Demolition crew, cleanup crew, roofing, masonry work, basic carpentry, framing, concrete work

Accomplishments: Worked in crews that facilitated the construction/renovations of structures such as houses and offices.


Establishment: Kansas State University

Degree: Masters in Architecture (5 yr program), Minor in Urban and Regional Planning

Average Grade: 3.5

Details: Kansas State offers a 5 year professional degree in Architecture emphasizing the design process and early hands on studio work. Supplementing this major is a certificate (minor) in Urban Planning


High rate of work efficiency Punctuality Eagerness to succeed Easily motivated Eagle Scout Much international exposure Highly Organized Creative problem solving Negotiation skills

Computer Skills: Basic understanding of CAD (2008) Proficient in word, power point, and adobe

Foreign Language Skills: 3 years of French

Additional Information

My studios have all resulted in above average (B+ to A) work, additionally, B+ and currently a high A represent my planning grades.

Honors: High Honors throughout High School Education

Publications: Carriage Houses of West Chester Publication illustrating an urban survey of historical carriage houses of West Chester, PA

Study Abroad: Plan on studying on Semester at Sea summer 2012 which would include Spain, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Morocco.


Personal health through active living. Activities such as running, biking, hiking, lifting, sailing, combative sports, etc.

Creative lifestyle. Activities such as painting, sketching, free lance design.

Community involvement. Volunteer work as well as community improvement projects previously and currently engaged in.

Informed lifestyle. Spend a lot of time reading various material ranging from novels, to design books, to articles detailing current world affairs (social,political,economical, etc.)