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Rebecca Kerwin


Address: 534 Okinawa st

City: Jacksonville

State: Florida

Zip: 32227

Country: United States

Phone: 402-210-6692
Cell: 402-320-7349


I am a loyal person when it comes to ccommitments. I am a very social person with a great attitude. I never give up and i determined to do anything that comes to my mind. I have alot of experience in babysitting, ticket sales, ushering(such as Musicals) and Stage help(Painting, Building, moving heavy objects).


Work Experience

Babysitting (03/03/2010 – Present)

I babysat a 4 year old boy for a few of hours when the mother needed to go to the store while her husband was at work.

Last Employer: Angie Farrington

Contact Person: 205-276-6133

Responsibilities: Watching the child, making lunch, straightening up the living room, watering the plants, take out the trash.

Accomplishments: Kept the house in one peice, no one got hurt, and the child had fun.


Childcare, cleaning, painting, building, Guitar, Photography,

Computer Skills: Windows Movie Maker, Documents, Powerpoint, Picasa3, Photoscape,

Foreign Language Skills: Little Spanish


Photography, Music, Acting, Guitar, being a social person, being creative, Volelyball, baking, cooking, playing with children, finding interesting things at thrift stores.