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Riya Sidhu

102-4350 23rd street , Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

(H) (780)-989-9941, (C) (780)-964-9359,


I am looking for a summer job. I am interested in work with children, retail stores, and local food restaurant's

Work Experience

Part time for two months (06/30/2010 – 08/27/2010)

I have worked with children, I have played leadership roles before, yearbook commite, and am going for Vice President of my school.

Last Employer: Edmonton, Alberta

Contact Person: (780)-989-9941

Responsibilities: Chores, Babysitting, organized events, and make dinner


Establishment: Grandview Heights

Average Grade: A

Details: Middle school


Computer Skills: Fast at typing, and good with Microsoft Ofiice.

Foreign Language Skills: Learning French as a second language