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Sean Cochran

1975 Piedmont Street, Augusta, GA , 30906, United States

(H) 706-284-3515, (C) 706-284-3515,


Seeking a long term carrer with an establsihed company within the Augusta area.

Work Experience

Violent Crimes Investigator (03/26/2003 – Present)

Investigate felony crimes of a violent nature, to include but not limited to Homicides , Rapes and Robberies. I am able to maintain multiple case files and testify for the State of Georgia to gain convictions regularly.

Last Employer: Richmond County Sheriff's Office

Contact Person: Lt. Calvin Chew

Responsibilities: Investigating criminal cases, maintaining case files, obtaining and serving criminal warrants, court testimony to gain convictions on cases built and managed

Accomplishments: Certifications in many feilds to include but not limited to: Basic Mandate, SFST (DUI detection), tacticle baton, Homeland Security Domestic Preparedness, Emergengy Vehicle Operations, CPR, A full list of certifications are available.

Business Owner (01/01/1997 – 03/26/2003)

Performed new construction as well as remodle old homes.

Last Employer: Self Employed

Contact Person: Sean Cochran

Responsibilities: My responsiblities included job planning, book keeping, material handling, basis sales and management.

Accomplishments: maintained a reliable working relationship with members of the Augusta comminity as well as local businesses.


I have worked in several manufacturing plants with commercial contractors doing various types of work (mostly commercial painting) before starting a business of my own.

Computer Skills: I have general computer knowledge as I am required to utilize the computer network for Augusta Richmond County.


I am married to Julie Cochran and have been so for eight years. Julie and I have a five year old daughter, Hannah Cochran, and spend most of our time doing family activities. My families well being is most important to me.