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Sean Hair


Address: 420 East Vidas Ave.

City: Salt Lake City

State: Utah

Zip: 84115

Country: United States

Phone: (801) 419-0599


To help your busness/company have success and to progress.


Work Experience

Group leader/ Rereational staff (02/12/2007 – 04/18/2008)

Last Employer: Troy Bennet

Contact Person: (801) 412-3217

Responsibilities: I was a group leader for an after school program. I helped them do homework and also did different activities with them such as music or sports. Also I helped in the recreational office making fliers and distributing them to different locations around the City of South Salt Lake.


Communication skills,

Computer Skills: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint

Additional Information

Honors: High School Honor Rolls


My interests include, Music such as playing the guitar and piano. Art projects like drawing and muti-medium art. and phyical activitys like longboarding and hiking.