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Tedd Bourassa

6 Grove street, Rochester, New Hampshire, 3868, United States

(H) 603-866-0492, (C) 603-866-0492, (F) none


Looking for security work based on past experiance with military.  I have good knowledge of many  military weapon systems and tactics.  Provided security for civilians and troops on two different deployments over seas.

Work Experience

Materials Handler (12/01/2010 – Present)

Accountability of sensitve items, Inventories, Using the standard army retail supply system.

Last Employer: Department of Defense

Contact Person: Mark Chateauneuf (603-227-1535)

Responsibilities: Accountability of sensitve items, Inventories, Using the standard army retail supply system.

Accomplishments: Learned several logistic programs to account for weapons , ammo, fielding equiptment. Had 100% accountability for two wall to wal inventories.

Army National Guard (07/01/2010 – Present)

Weapons and infantry tactics Cleaning and repairing weapons Accountability of sensitve items Personel and convoy security Prison guard duty

Last Employer: Department of Defense

Contact Person: Mark Chateauneuf(603-227-1535)

Responsibilities: To ensure the safety of personel and equiptment in acordance with DOD regulations.

Accomplishments: Small arms and rifle team for the state of New Hampshire (SARTS). Transportation and Logistics school. Water treatment courses. Army Basic Traning. Two tours in Iraq. Military Police training


Establishment: Universal Techinical Institute

Degree: NONE

Education Period: 07/05/1999 - 01/31/2000

Speciality: Automotive and Diesel

Average Grade: 2.9

Details: Major was automotive engines Minor in Diesel engines


Weapons and tactics Repairing fire arms Rifle marksmanship Land navagation Prison Guard procedures Convoy security Personel security

Computer Skills: Microsoft office Quick Books for taxes

Foreign Language Skills: Arabic Vietnamese

Additional Information

Graduated from high school Completed some technical college courses Army Basic Training

Honors: Military

Professional Membership: Member of the New Hampshire Army National Guard


Restoring hot rods from old to new.  Making models of cars. I also do woodworking for myself and anybody in the family that needs repairs around the house.  Camping on the weekends with family and friends. Pretty much any recreational activites intrigue me.  Have volunteered my sevices to clean up the garbage around my community.  Fishing is a interst of mine.