Trina Pierson
Address: 301 Park Manor Blvd
City: Winnipeg
State: Manitoba
Country: Canada
To further my skills in the work place. Make money to get myself through high school and college. Looking to further my customer service skills.
Work Experience
Detailer (11/02/2009 – Present)
Worked for Palmer's Auto Sales detailing cars and cleaning up the shop.
Last Employer: Brad Palmer
Contact Person: 955-6059
Responsibilities: Cleaning cars, cleaning the shop, keeping files organized.
Fast learner, works great in a fast paced environment, reliable, tidy and neat.
Computer Skills: Very good typing and computer skills. Average of 80 WPM.
Additional Information
Still attending High school at West Kildonan Collegiate as a Grade 12 student
I am very interested in techonology and arts. I participate in water sports during the season. Play on a organized soccer team every two seasons. Looking to join a dance class.