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Angela Tussey


Address: 95 Rivers Edge Road NW Apt. #113

City: Kalkaska

State: Michigan

Zip: 49646

Country: United States

Cell: (231) 384-0635


I would like to submit my resume, for consideration, for the recently vacant position of, program coordinator, at East Bay AFC.  With over two years of dedicated service, I have come to know the residents, at East Bay, intensly.  I am familiar with the programs in place for each individual, as well as their daily routines, medical needs, leisure preferences, communication styles, and am commited to continuing to serve these individuals, with the highest amount of, dignity, respect, and consideration for their indivuality. 


Work Experience

Medical Lead/Staff Lead (02/25/2008 – Present)

Over 2 years of full time service at East Bay home. Current knowledge of: medical services, medications, dietary needs, programs, routines, and personalities, of each individual residing in the home. Strong connection with: residents, and staff, including CMH support staff.

Last Employer: Lutheran Social Services of Michigan

Responsibilities: Assisting residents, of East Bay, with; activities of daily living, enhancing community awareness and involvement, scheduling and reporting on medical needs and appointments, inventorying and ordering medical supplies, and medications, communicating with guardians, regarding; medical and insurance needs, personal needs, activities preferences, basic likes and dislikes of residents, and specific training needs for staff regarding care of each resident, communicating with CMH support staff, and medical professionals, regarding; medical concerns, training all staff in; proper medication procedures, communicating regularly with management regarding resident needs, and current status.

Accomplishments: American Red Cross certified in first aid, and CPR. CMH certified in recipient rights, medications, physical intervention and advanced physical intervention, working with people I and II, Environmental Emergencies, and basic health. Completed in-home training of emergency evacuation in case of fire, severe weather preparedness, transferring of individuals to and from wheelchair, safety protocols specific to East Bay home.


Able to effectively communicate with residents, using American sign language, and verbal communication. Excellent verbal and written communication with staff. Positive and encouraging attitude. Ability to learn new skills and tasks quickly.

Computer Skills: Proficient at typing, ability to use Microsoft Word program, send and receive e-mail, and ability to create functional documents for staff use, as well as for reference material.

Foreign Language Skills: Key phrases in French, and Spanish. Minimal random words in German, and Mandarin.

Additional Information

Research Projects: Currently researching; diabetes, autism, mental and personality disorders, child development and early childhood development.


Intersts and hobbies include: self education in areas of physical and mental health and development, random trivia, creative outlets, human behavior, solving seemingly impossible situations, challanging myself and others to reach the highest possible potential, and just listening to people and the world around me. 

Leisure activities include: music, pointless conversations with friends and family, watching my children play, artistic expression,  meditation, and training the dogs.  I believe happieness is the secret of life, the more happieness a person has, the longer, and better their life is.  I try to incorporate happieness into every aspect, personal and professional, of my own life, and also the lives of those I connect with each day.