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Brittney  Klein



To get a degree in chemistry and pursue a career in cosmetic formulation


Work Experience

Librarian (09/01/2006 – 03/31/2010)

A librarian at Bodo Public Library

Last Employer: Roxanna Wotchell

Contact Person: 780-753-6323

Responsibilities: -Create and do a craft with the children of Bodo monthly -Update bulletin boards -Keep library in order(i.e. books in order, mop floors etc.) -Check library email -Fill out book requests

Janitor  (08/29/2007 – Present)

Janitor at Natural Gas Co-op #52

Last Employer: Brenda Stempfle

Contact Person: 780-753-2777

Responsibilities: -Clean offices (i.e. dishes, mopping, vaccum, clean windows)


Babysitting for neighbours and brother

Last Employer: Multiple

Responsibilities: -care for children


Establishment: Saint Thomas Aquinas

Degree: high school diploma

Education Period: 09/02/1996 - 06/28/2010

Average Grade: honors with distinction

Details: I have recieved honors with distinction from grades seven through elevan. I'm currently in high school but am finished in June.


-Class 5 Drivers License -FIrst Aid -CTR Workplace Safety -CTR Personal Safety -Info processing classes in grades 8 to 10 -Knowlegdable in making spreadsheets, data bases in Mircosoft Word and Office -Current knowledge in the workings of the internet

Computer Skills: -Info processing classes in grades 8 to 10 -Knowlegdable in making spreadsheets, data bases in Mircosoft Word and Office -Current knowledge in the workings of the internet

Additional Information

-Recieved Citizenship and School Service awards multiple times through out school


   I enjoy doing creative projects, reading traveling, and sports. I've played volleyball and basketball through out high school. I also coached the skipping club when it was being ran through our school. I've also completed levels 1- 12 of my swimming lessons. I have recieved Citizenship and School Service awards multiple times through out school
 I also am an active member of the Children's Liturgy program at St. Mary's Parish.