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david firlotte

15 aberdeen apt 2, campbellton, n,b, Canada

(H) (506) 329-0062,


hello my name is david and I am searching for a full time job

Work Experience

kitchen (09/01/2010 – 09/30/2010)

learned how to work in a fast paced environment

Last Employer: mc donalds

Contact Person: 1 506 778 8211

Responsibilities: -assembled meals for the customers -fast paced environment -cleaned up the kitchen


Establishment: sugarloaf senior high school

Degree: grade 12

Education Period: 09/07/2009 - 01/01/2010

Average Grade: 79%


-quick learner -jack of all trades -love trying new things

Computer Skills: advanced computer skills

Foreign Language Skills: can speak fluently in french