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josephine mastronardi


Address: 4363 Goldenwood

City: Windsor

State: Ontario

Country: Canada

Phone: 5199720988
Cell: 5195645534


Getting the work needed done, efficient and properly. Taking no short cuts, to work hard,but not only hard but smart. Keeping my area clean and tidy, minding my own business. Talking when spoke to. Being polite and caring to everyone around me.


Work Experience

cashier  (01/04/2008 – 01/30/2010)

worked at Fred's Farm Fresh as a cashier for 2 years. worked in the deli, served people with meat and cheese.

Last Employer: windsor

Contact Person: 5197915395

Responsibilities: keeping the cash area orgenized and neat. Making signs to put around the store. Memorizing the prices of fruit and vegetables. Keeping the deli counters cleaned, making sure nothing went moldy, having everything clean.


Look at different points of view Motivate others Self-motivated Speaking in public Take risks Patient with others Accept and provide feedback in a considerate manner Respect people’s differences Listen Kind


interest are: education, sports, working out, friends, saving money and family