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shawn cramer


Address: 8691 White Swan Drive Unit 104

City: Tampa

State: FL

Zip: 33614

Country: United States

Phone: 8132101624
Cell: 8132101624


To obtain a full-time postion as a security guard for the Wakenhut Corpation


Work Experience

Culinary  (11/22/2006 – 11/01/2008)

Worked with Other People Team Work

Last Employer: Busch Gardens

Contact Person: 813-987-9777

Responsibilities: Take food orders, cook fries, serve drinks, stock up items, cut meat, take out trash.


Establishment: Chamberlain High School Tampa FL

Degree: High School Dipolma

Education Period: 08/04/2005 - 06/02/2009

Average Grade: 2.0

Details: I took a Forensic Science class and took a Biology class. In forensic science class i learn about fingerprint and other forensics subjects


computer skills

Computer Skills: microsoft word, publisher, powerpoint

Additional Information

FFA - alot of volunteer experience Member of the Month Perfect Attendance

Honors: High honor Roll senior year

Professional Membership: Student Govt member of the Extended Board

Certifications or Licensures: C.E.R.T, Class D license, Class G License, Florida Works


community involvement, sports, FFA