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Zackary Daniecki


Address: 2 Milson Cres

City: Guelph

State: Ontario

Country: Canada

Phone: 519-766-7792
Cell: 519-362-8795


To gain practical on-the-job experience, working either in an individual or team setting


Work Experience

Retail Clerk, Food Preperation, Dish Washer (08/08/2009 – 01/06/2010)

Dealing with customers, washing the dishes, preparing the food for the cook. Worked 5 months full time food prep, followed by 2 months part time retail

Last Employer: The Guelph Poultry Market

Contact Person: 519-763-2284

Responsibilities: Both closed and opened the store, cleaned, and served customers

Accomplishments: Maintained the job with a good referance

Customer Service, Retail Clerk (04/28/2010 – 08/06/2010)

New owners took the Guelph Poultry Market and continued basic duties/experience.

Last Employer: Bella Roma Foods

Contact Person: 519-763-2284

Responsibilities: Opening/closing store, Dish washing, Customer Service

Framer (01/04/2010 – 06/22/2010)

Through a co-op program I and a class of students at Bishop Macdonnell Catholic high school fully framed a house with the upmost success under the employer of Reids Heritage Homes.

Last Employer: Reids Heritage Homes

Contact Person: Mr. Andres, 519-

Responsibilities: Frame a house, maintain proper safety procedures including whimis(workplace hazardous materials information system), working as a large well organized team, ensuring the house was built to standards and procedures required.

Accomplishments: Achieved high skills major in construction through the completion of this course


Establishment: Bishop Macdonnell Catholic High School

Degree: High School Diploma

Education Period: 09/05/2005 - 06/22/2010

Speciality: Construction High Skills Major

Average Grade: 75-79%

Details: Graduate of 2009


-Strong individual as well team worker -People Orientated -Excellent Communication Skills -Friendly and Professional Attitude -Good work ethic -Quick Learner

Computer Skills: -Great at solving computer problems -technologically inclined -able to use any programs yet encountered with ease -really quick to learn computer related tasks

Additional Information

Certifications or Licensures: WHIMIS, Basic First Aid


-Soccer, Snowboarding, computer games/tasks, carpentry, construction